Welcome to Tararina.co

We're busy getting our website ready to launch. Stay tuned!

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Template Aurora

Template Aurora is a single page static website designed to get you a clean and professional website in less time. With Aurora, you get a mobile-first designed website right out of the box. That's right—mobile design isn't an afterthought when it comes to Aurora!

The template's clean aesthetic and responsive design makes heads turn while loading fast on any device. The hero image uses responsive art directed images. Not only does this improve your above-the-fold page speed, it keeps your hero looking great on mobile.

The markup code is formatted and organised using HTML5 semantic tags. This means you save time and improve quality by knowing where to drop in your content. All the custom CSS lives in a central file and uses BEM notation (for you CSS3 geeks) to make adding your own styles a breeze.


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Content Title

Hashtag eu roof party magna heirloom craft beer, aesthetic tacos direct trade hoodie in et beard.

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Content Title

Hashtag eu roof party magna heirloom craft beer, aesthetic tacos direct trade hoodie in et beard.

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Content Title

Hashtag eu roof party magna heirloom craft beer, aesthetic tacos direct trade hoodie in et beard.

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